Agnieszka Piksa (PL) - Samis Escape Plan and Sami From The Town


Friday, October 11, 2019 at 3:30 PM

In 2011, Agniezska created comics in collaboration with script-writer Dunja Jankovič The Sami’s escape plan based on a true story. Its loose sequel Sami, Zamościanka from 2018 is a second fictional episode of the original story.

Samis Escape Plan (2011)
The Samis escape plan is a result of cooperation of Agnieszka Piksa and Dunja Janković – based on a discussion of how to transfer journalistic facts (the scenario written by Vladimir Palibrk was full of) into an abstract layer. They divided into "two looks": Dunja presented the monkey's point of view, Agnieszka took the same events from the outside, just as people reported them. This "collage thinking" connected many associations and surprising, previously unspecified threads. Photos used in comic were found in the propaganda album on Czechoslovakia and a boatbuilding manual. Fellow comic-makers Boris Stanic and Vladimir Palibrk added a fictional prologue and epilogue.

Sami From The Town (2018)
Comics is a psychedelic variation from real life – adventure of a monkey which escaped from the ZOO in Belgrade. Her brave action raised hopes of thousands of people and encouraged protests against oppressive government forces in the eighties. But what is left after many years from the revolution? What if the monkey was just a fool? The comics tells story of the monkey with its breakout into the inner world where she found the true freedom.

Agnieszka Piksa, born in 1983 in Warsaw, is a Polish artist, author of drawings and comics, illustrations and murals. She studied at Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and Universitatea de Arta si Design Cluj-Napoca in Romania. Connects belles - lettres and specialized literature throughout her creation, she plays with different word senses and their misunderstandings. She is interested in traditional narratives as well as in language experiments. Her work represented Poland on 31st International Biennale of Contemporary Art in São Paulo. Based in Krakow, she exhibited her work in Poland and abroad.